Knowledge Billing View All Getting Start View All Help View All Support View All AccessibilitySpark’s App Extension How can I remove your code snippet from my Shopify theme? How can I change the accessibility button shape/or icon? How can I change the location of the interface and accessibility button? How do I get started? Does AccessibilitySpark abide by GDPR and CCPA? How do people with epilepsy use AccessibilitySpark? What is AccessibilitySpark’s data security policy? How much does AccessibilitySpark cost? How can I choose a color for the accessibility interface and interface button? How can I create a custom button that opens the interface? What is the Advanced & Customized Installation? The interface loads slowly and shows up after too much time Why isn’t AccessibilitySpark showing up on my site? Why aren’t the buttons in the interface working? Why doesn’t the interface look right? How is AccessibilitySpark better than others? How do blind people use AccessibilitySpark? How do people with physical/motor disabilities use AccessibilitySpark? How do people with cognitive disabilities use AccessibilitySpark? Does AccessibilitySpark affect source code, performance, or loading times? How does AccessibilitySpark work? How does AccessibilitySpark Improve SEO, Traffic & Conversions? How can AccessibilitySpark help people with visual impairments? What is the process of becoming compliant? What is AccessibilitySpark? Do you have a free trial? Does the App have the functionality to correct non-compliance? What types of disabilities does AccessibilitySpark help with? Can I get a pro-rated refund on my annual plan?